Has Television reshaped Politics?
It is an utter surprise when the winds are blowing and there are rains into it and simultaneously rains now is being looked at further. A confusing state of mind where at the weekends at the end of examination, nothing to do except to think about as there is nothing plan of that sort to make out what should be doing at this juncture and for this entire land and the road that crosses the horizon from a distance which she looked upon cannot be held responsible at all for all these misconceptions.
She is a brilliant scholar with a multi-talented brilliancy and with this, she thought of making to use this time with equal brilliance. The movement of the sun is so hazy and straight and with it the flow marking of movements making entire archenemies a movement of glory.
She looked at the watch and went into the living room from there she wished to see television and hoping for some true and brilliant soap operas that would be there and on Sunday there would be the repeat telecast of all these and she was excited to see and enjoy it.
The strings of reality:
Sadly there is some time before a full and nice program would be telecast as she forgot that it is not yet 11 in the morning and there is some time to it. In the meantime she switched to some news channels to learn about some state of news there, so that how the countries are running and what are the state of situations there, and also what are the developments that has been going on in and around the area of the state and considering all these she decided to watch television but to her utter dismay and dissatisfaction most of the news channels are broadcasting yellow journalisms and they are telling today at capital rain is there, as if all over the state there is no rain it is one sort of brilliant case of reporting the evitable and in this manner the entire watch of news channels television has become some sort of waste for her.
She continued to see the different channels as apart from some few most of the channels are broadcasting the same news as their exclusive news items and they want to produce it as breaking news and most of this news are from sources.
It is one of the saddest parts of democracy where the fourth estate is slowly losing its ground; its main function would have been to save the country from partial journalisms and reveal the truth, on the other hand, it is not as it is slowly dismantling the basic stumbling block of democracy.
As she finds most of the news channels are indulging in similar tactics of modifying and presenting a news and for this, the audience knows the difference and still they will have to see these customized form at least to her mind and thinking the news seems to be such that.
Now it is time to change the channels to watch some other interesting topic and for this, she is now changing to History channel the infotainment channel as it is giving some personalized magician show as it seems from television the magician is brilliant but can she believe this.
It seems whatever the magician is performing is nothing sort of brilliance but still there are tricks and one cannot believe in cameras to realize this as it is always said that one has to believe when he or she watches it on television and so it is funny and nice to watch it on television but still she has not able to grasp the truth there.
She knew from there it can be true but still she is seeing all these on television and it is difficult for her to believe this, as lenses can be smart at times, still that show is enjoyable and especially the magician which roams around continents, as he is a lean man but with great anchor quality and for this she enjoyed the show.
She is still waiting for Sherlock Holmes show of history channels which she has seen a while back and hoping to see all these again.
The strings of reality:
Then she switched to a reality TV show which is famous worldwide, and it is one such show which has been running successfully all over, it is such a type of concept where a group of people from different professions, are kept united at this time there are two concepts one is paradise and other is the difficult world and people are divided and being kept there separately but with a wired separator as from there they can talk and interact with each other.
This time, there are many more television actors there and most of them are silent or an underperformer, and many stars from other fields are making noises and getting the most attraction, as many television actors prefer to stay aloof and separate so that they can cross the first hurdles easily.
On the other hand, the wrestler and other actors like Arman and Gohar are attracting limelights and Gohar is indulging in negative and somewhat most weird conversions but still she is working incorrect manner as she can generate footages and now seems love scenes with Kushal which is getting both some limelight and some minutes for broadcaster to broadcast.
Arman is shouting but with limits and he is trying to play a correct game there, on the other hand, one such decision from the wrestler, which lost the post of captaincy for Arman, but the wrestler soon makes up that event with a complete and clear apology.
This time this serial is going in right way, but the so-called television artists as some of them are completely silent on the screen and this time due to a separation of two in two different environments which is completely new and unexpected from one another, there is bonding among the some and not so bonding among the some.
This year the eviction is on Saturday and the discussion with eviction is on Sundays and a unique concept of the warden, the lady tone is introduced as it will warn and strict all the inmates of rules and regulations.
The captain is performing task excellently and she is controlling all difficult events with due care and for this she has been getting the captaincy twice in a row, as she has signs of brilliant management of all the people who happens to be there from different professions and they have been united there in order to achieve the aim of winning the show.
All to summarize is to say that most of the non television actors are performing brilliantly in this show and for this, it is now expected from the television stars in this show to perform up to their potential.
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Originally published at mohanmekap.com on September 7, 2018.