Get to Know Windows 8

Mohan Manohar Mekap
6 min readSep 21, 2018


There are a large number of new things in the newer version of Windows. When Windows 8 first resurface, it is widely regarded as the most confused operating system of all time. It has the dual operating system and the second operating system runs in the background adding miseries to the inexperienced user.

The “Start screen” is the collection of your favourite applications begins with pinning of apps, people and websites. There are many default applications by Microsoft which cannot be uninstalled, as it stays give web browsing as well as social networking, weather information and other application.

From “Start” you can start typing the search icon by moving the cursor to the left end of the dashboard and from there you can see applications and other files and from there click on any item to launch those applications.

The search feature is embedded with Windows 8 and it gives the user seamless search results. From the beginning of Windows XP, the search results of Windows 8 are now becoming perfection. There are numerous ways one can reach to start menu.

There is one dedicated “start menu” button in the keyboard and by hitting the logo key, one can reach to charm-menu and hidden operating system files. Microsoft has introduced “Windows store” similar to the likes of “Google Play store”, “apple store” and “Samsung apps” with lists of popular applications. In the initial years, there have been fewer applications in “Windows store” but with due course of time, the number of applications is on the rise.

From “Charm menu” one can reach to “Windows Store” and from there reach to store application and from here one can update an old application and download new applications. This system comes from the Android operating system where one has to log in to a Google account and in this way, all the information of the account is connected to cloud.

When someone has a new Windows 8, all these information can be retrieved after logging into the same Microsoft account. Sky Drive, photos, documents, emails and social networks are all been constantly synchronized with Microsoft account and it remains when you log in to the same account with Windows Mobile or with another computer which has Windows 8 installed.

In this way, you do not have to connect to different accounts when you are starting a fresh installation. All your theme, language preferences and browser favourites are synchronized and come forward when you log in with the same username and password.

You can still sign in without a Microsoft account, but it is always better to sign in with a Microsoft account so that all information related with that account remains same and do not have to reinstall again.

The newly introduced “The charms” which has many functions and it is the gateway to different functions such as search, share start, devices and settings. It is on the right side of your screen and it can be accessed through multiple options.

The “Search charm” is a powerful option to search what you are looking, for. The “Share charm”lets you send links. Photos to your friends on social networks. It is safe from Android share which can be reached directly from the share menu of Android. It is moving towards mobility but considering the positioning of the laptop which has specific positioning due to heavy workloads of professionals.

In the past, many feared that there will be a day when most users will discard the use of a laptop and the positioning of the laptop will be replaced with smart-phones. It will never ever happen considering the ease of work relating to the laptop which provides greater room for professional to work easily while documenting or doing any image editing functions.

All these can be done with different “word processor” with smartphones but the convenience and the ease with which all these can be done makes the positioning of the laptop in the top priorities list from among different segment of users.

Within “the Charm menu” one can easily find about application commands simply by right-clicking application and from their different commands are easily visible. The desktop from charm menu is beautiful with full screen and makes it easier for users to work in full capacity without any such distractions.

Windows 8 is the first operating system which does not depend solely on the software front to keep it safe and secure. It has many hardware mechanisms which make it a perfect operating system so that it works securely without any such disturbances from outside.

The Metro user interface becomes confusing for many critics at the beginning and it feels they somewhat go on criticizing these interfaces day by day. In reality, it is one of the most secure interfaces and internet explorer works securely while staying in these resources. It is always advisable to use these resources while browsing the Internet so that there is less chance of intrusion of rootkits inside these interfaces.

Windows 8 has faster boot time as it reallocates all these resources and priorities booting processes. Microsoft is using different booting parameters than earlier processes. It is secure and it stops rootkits and boot kits from entering into the system. It is a sophisticated system with plenty of professional advancements.

It is fast and furious and works like charm and the Metro user interface is a smarter addition to it. Windows 8 ensures fundamental shift the way windows work as it is oriented towards more and more touch-oriented surface tablet though after a few months Microsoft has to rethink the strategies and beginning to consolidate it for the betterment normal computer users.

Windows needs the support of physical address extension for new features which are strong and robust. It runs with Direct 9 graphics cards and it has better coordination of three dimension features.

There should be proper posture before using the computer. Most professionals use a computer on a long-term basis and in the process they forget basic posturing rules related with the computer. One has to be set in 90-degree bases and hands should be in a rectangle in order to have proper posturing points.

Use the chair with a comfortable back and one need to put legs in a rectangle in order to have proper posturing and this does not hurt the user even using the computer for a longer stretch of time. Top height of your computer should be equal to lower than you’re visible eyesight.

Keep your monitor away from your eyesight at least 50 centimetres and it is always advisable to use LCD monitor for better eyesight and preservation of eyes in the long-term use. Do not press keyboard, touchpad and mouse with superlative force. It is advisable to use an external keyboard, mouse when using a laptop for a long period of time.

If you are a professional blogger and writer, it is always a good idea to use an external keyboard and mouse so that pressure on the inbuilt keyboard will be minimized superlatively. In short Windows, 8 is a very easy operating system with the nice graphics user interface which consists of two parts such as desktop and Metro user interface.

The user can feel at home working with both parts. Traditional users like to use the graphic user interface of desktop or new users can shift their allegiance to the Metro user interface for better coordination among different users. Networking connectivity with Windows 8 is smart and it works nicely with Android operating system’s tethering functionality.

It can create a WiFi hub for users and in this way, wireless connectivity becomes easier without difficulty. Internet sharing is now fast becoming an easier prospect and in this way use of Windows 8 is fast growing and it is so secure that even China does not want to use it considering fear that it could not hack into this operating system like the previous ones.


[1] https[:][//]recoverit[.]wondershare[.]com[/]computer-problems[/]how-to-fix-cant-enter-safe-mode[.]html

[2] https[:][//]www[.]digitalcitizen[.]life[/]7-ways-launch-command-prompt-windows-7-windows-8

[3] https[:][//]blogs[.]msdn[.]microsoft[.]com[/]b8[/]2011[/]10[/]13[/]the-windows-8-task-manager[/]

[4] https[:][//]www[.]drivereasy[.]com[/]knowledge[/]how-to-enter-safe-mode-in-windows-10[/]

[5] http[:][//]storematica[.]com[/]ty8hbib[/]y1lceqn[.]php[?]pxaidasfo=dell-boot-menu-key

[6] https[:][//]designmodo[.]com[/]metro-ui[/]

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Originally published at on September 21, 2018.



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