Command line Options with Usbdeview
Earlier this article was originally written in the month of May 2010 and during those time viruses emancipating from USB drives which are predominant during those days due to ease of sharing articles and ease with which we can share everything from one computer to that of other. During those times concept of bluetooth and tethering are not so popular and can only found on expensive computers.
During those times sharing of files from one computer to that of the other are possible with the help from floppy drives, flash drives, compact discs and DVD drives. Then comes viruses of USB drives or flash drives it becomes immensely popular, as it becomes easier to carry from one computer to that of the other and that too becomes darling for hackers as they can put some sort of hidden malwares or trojans that can easily with the help from auto opening becomes easily installable on computers.
Then comes the USBDeview which first scans computer and its connected USB drives and become one of firewall between computer and USB drive nodes. In this way computer becomes extremely safer as the result of it. After that many popular antivirus companies started their security protection against this malaise but as far I remember USB De view is one of the first of its kind to initiate and start such scanning and safeguarding of computers.
During my management days and during the times of group discussion, part of the project distributed within group members and they construct and then joint all of these parts into one before attending presentation in front of professor. All of these becomes important when we consider the aspect of importance attached with USB drivers and in those days these are higher costs and now the cost factor of USB drive is far lower but still we do find that during those times, everyone takes their parts of projects with USB drives as sharing through internet is not so faster as we were more than happy with 2G internet during those times.
In any case when any one of computer becomes infected then each and every study materials is going to be infected and ours presentation is not going to happen at any cost. So, we discuss everything about it amongours groups and during those times I found one famous website was offering free of cost of USB security software and so we download it and during those time over 11 MB of download takes some time.
During those time everywhere is 2G and ours institution is perhaps offering more speed but that seems faster at some point of time especially during early morning times. During those times I learn about this and learn about importance of security and especially how to secure ours computer at the correct time so that it can run at every cost and every time irrespective of hard works it had to face due to the presence of hard task of management days.
When we think of anything that is related with computer and that is related with good amount of tasks we receive from classes, and the importance of a good computer is extremely important and for this the performance attached with management of computer and its security performance lead us to install USB security, as during those times the full antivirus protection takes huge task of limited RAM used inside computer.
Especially, when we use USB security, it is important for all of us to understand during the times of 2010 the most of famous antiviruses does provide protection but still that slows down computer to a greater extent and that is why during those time the importance attached with USB security is prime importance.
Originally published at on August 20, 2019.